FAQs About the Hreflang Testing Tool

  • Where is the Hreflang Validator tool?
    You can access the Hreflang tester here.
  • Is the tool free to use?
    Yes. If you are not signed in, you are limited to 20 URLs at a time. If you sign in (via Linkedin), you can test 100 URLs at a time. For higher limits, get in touch with me at nikhilesh[at]gmail.
  • What types of errors does the tool check for?
    The tool tests for all the common Hreflang mistakes.
  • It’s not working. Now what? If you’ve encountered an error, or found a case where it’s not working, please let me know at nikhilesh[at]gmail.com.
  • Do you support Hreflang information in HTTP Headers instead of <link> tags?
    Yes. The tool can understand Hreflang information passed in HTTP headers.
  • Do you support Hreflang information in XML sitemaps?
    No. The tool can read sitemaps to find URLs to crawl. However, if the Hreflang information is provided in sitemaps, the tool cannot analyze that.
  • Who built this?
    My name is Nikhilesh (Nick) Jasuja. I’m the founder of Diffen, a website where you can compare anything. When we launched the Spanish version of Diffen, I built a tool to test our Hreflang implementation. What you see now is a version of that tool upgraded for external use.
  • Why do I need to sign in via Linkedin?
    Right now, this project is a hobby. If there is enough demand from international SEO consultants, I’ll launch a paid version in the future and will reach out to folks who have used it in the past.
  • Are you available for SEO consulting? No. I like building stuff (like SEO tools) but I’m not an SEO consultant. If you are looking for an SEO consultant, there are some awesome folks in the Seattle area.